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AVAX GO HIGHER ($HIGHER), the pioneering SERVICE TOKEN, is a cryptocurrency initiative designed to enhance the market cap and liquidity of AVAX merchandise partner projects. By strategically adding liquidity to pairs within the ecosystem, $HIGHER aims to support and stabilize both emerging and established projects, thereby strengthening and improving the interconnected AVAX community.



  1. Market Cap Growth: Elevate $HIGHER’s market capitalization through targeted investments and strategic partnerships.

  2. Liquidity Enhancement: Consistently augment liquidity for pairs created within AVAX partner projects, thereby enhancing their stability and value.


Ecosystem Support

$HIGHER provides vital liquidity to AVAX partner projects, ensuring they possess the financial foundation necessary for growth and success. This initiative not only supports individual projects but also fortifies the entire AVAX ecosystem.

Partnership with

$HIGHER has forged a strategic partnership with to introduce a unique service: the portion of the revenue generated from select partner project merchandise will be channeled into the liquidity pools of said partnered projects.


This includes:

  • Revenue Integration: A designated portion (Between 80-100%) of revenue from rev-share will be allocated to the respective projects' HIGHER/EXAMPLE liquidity pairs, thereby enhancing liquidity and bolstering market stability.


 SERVICE TOKEN Integration

Innovative solutions that provide genuine value are crucial in this space, rather than merely replicating existing concepts. Achieving this can significantly impact the market. is introducing a groundbreaking tech concept through our new integrated revenue system, $HIGHER, a SERVICE TOKEN.

Over time, this system will continue to grow as we create and expand liquidity pairs. The process is straightforward:

  1. Select Partnership Merch Sales: Revenue generated from merchandise sales.

  2. Revenue Conversion: 80-100% of the portion of revenue share will be converted from fiat (web2) into the project's token and $HIGHER via open market buys.

  3. Liquidity Addition: The acquired tokens are subsequently added to the respective liquidity pool pairs we have created with $HIGHER.


This approach achieves multiple goals simultaneously:

  • Bringing Fiat into Web3: Converts web2 revenue into web3 assets.

  • Market Buy Creation: Facilitates new token buys, increasing demand, trading volume, and transaction activity.

  • Token Stability: Enhances token stability through increased liquidity.


As these projects excel, the system offers a unique advantage by elevating other partnered token pairs as well:

  • If the $HIGHER/$TOKEN A pair appreciates due to Token A’s market performance, $HIGHER rises accordingly.

  • Consequently, the $HIGHER/$TOKEN B pair also benefits as $HIGHER’s price ascends, demonstrating interconnected growth within the blockchain.


This creates a unified and interconnected project ecosystem within a single blockchain, where projects are mutually strengthened by each other’s success. $HIGHER is the first of its kind SERVICE TOKEN, spearheading this innovative approach.

TOKEN Information

  • Blockchain: AVALANCH C-Chain

  • Total Supply: 420,420,420,420

  • Contract Address: 0x7a842a6F4580EDD3df41C1F31E0395044De6Bc75

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AVAX GO HIGHER ($HIGHER) is the 5th project from Ardent. He first launched a streetwear hat brand called ArdentReal on Instagram in 2018 at age 10. With the help of his father, Ardent managed to grow an Instagram based consumer base of 70k plus followers. 

After the success of the streetwear hat company, he went on to start Polygon NFT on OpenSea in 2020, it did 2 ETH in mints and is still out there. Next was a Wearable NFT for the Decentraland. He made a DCL wearble version of his ArdentReal Founder hat, and deployed it in the Metaversere in 2021. In 2022 he launched Pineapple Headz Twitter Banner NFT project on AVAX. This was his first contract on AVAX. It launched in the bear market and always had plans to tie into the future ventures for Ardent as a reward for continued loyalty to his fan base. 


2023 Ardent launches, the first blend of his passion for apparel and love of web3. This quickly grew into the success we all know and love now. He has maintained in the background building and overseeing the design process, while his father stepped in with 20 years as an action sports brand executive to oversee the operations as CEO.  CryptoLids specializes in making merchandise for the crypto space and projects within the industry. 


The concept of $HIGHER happened as the market was experiencing aggressive up and down swings. Ardent wanted to create a way to add liquidity to the projects he was partnered with. This is the story of Ardent Real.

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